Interested in woodworking but not sure where to start? Start here.

We hear a similar story on a daily basis: I’ve always been interested in woodworking, but I don’t know where to start! 

That’s where we come in.

Our shop is designed with aspiring craftspeople in mind. Our mission is to make woodworking accessible to all, ESPECIALLY those who have never done it before. Our shop is always staffed with experienced volunteers and staff who are here to provide guidance, education, and training. When you come through these doors as a novice, be prepared for our team to be abuzz with excitement. This is why we are here. YOU are why we are here. There’s nothing we love more than teaching a total beginner and watching them fall just as in love with woodcraft as we all have.

When you become a member, your first step will be to come in and meet one-on-one with our Executive Director to chat about your goals and interests. Once you’ve both come up with a plan for pursuing your goals here, you will be signed up for our in-depth machine training in a small group setting. Once you’ve been trained and feel comfortable to start working, our Shop Staff are here to help you every step of the way. Need a beginner project idea? We can help! Have the beginnings of an idea but need help workshopping it? We’d love nothing more! Know exactly what you need to build but want some extra coaching on a certain machine? We’re on it!  As a member of Saratoga Joinery, your path to success is our highest priority. We are here to help you chase your woodworking dreams – and we may enjoy it even more than you.

So next time you feel called to finally give woodworking a try – come and talk to us. Start here.